суббота, 9 марта 2013 г.

Teenage Dirtbag

A squirrel, two sparrows.
A crippled dog.
Hit. Grasp, save, grasp, hit, miss.
Miss. Miss again.
And I see your eyes.
Fur, feathers. Blood. And that noise.
Tree, fence, sunshine. Miss. Save.
Hit. Hit again. And that noise.
I’d pick you up from the grass. 
But there’s nowhere to take you...
I am one of them.
Sister of mine, don’t worry.
Hit, miss, save.
Skin, bruises, blood.
And I see your eyes too, Sister.
I say don’t worry, but what am I going to do?
I’d pick you up, but where would I take you?
I am one of them.


2 комментария:

  1. самый лучший..при первом просмотре потряс до глубины души...

    1. ну я не сказала бы, что самый, но довольно неплохой


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